There is no life without water


Marginalized people in the coastal area of Bangladesh encounter significant livelihood challenges due to multiple climatic concerns such as salinity intrusion, drought, water pollution, flood, cyclone, and sea-level rise. These cause multiple socioeconomic concerns, particularly for women since they are responsible for domestic and agricultural water supply. This supply of water badly affects by these concerns. They encounter further marginalization due to patriarchal domination, social inequality, and exploitation. In this context, proper water availability can help fight against the climate change effects and social problems. Given the geographic context and environmental aspect of the coastal area in Bangladesh, rainwater harvesting can be one viable option since it is one of the rain-intensive countries. Rainwater harvesting can be a source of income for marginalized women and contribute to their empowerment process. Based on this context of the problem, my presentation will show that how rainwater harvesting could be a sustainable approach to govern rainwater, a resilient approach to address the water crisis, the factor that determines the economic benefit of rainwater harvesting, and a tool to empower women. In these circumstances, the ‘there is no life without water’ programme of ÖK Balaton Limnological Institute, Tihany under Centre for Ecological Research in Hungary. Climate change and water issue are one of the focal points of this program that is directly connected to my research project.  


INVITE (Innovative Verona University’s Inter-disciplinary, Inter-sectoral and International Training Experience):

15:00 - 16:30

Also for foreigners

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