Will ChatGPT take your job? – Unpacking AI and the future of employment


In this interactive presentation, we move beyond AI media hype to delve deeper into exciting questions on the future of work and AI.

The media is full of speculations on how ChatGPT and other AI solutions will impact the work landscape. How should one regard these forecasts? What do social scientists have to say about AI and the future of jobs and work? What are the hallmarks of good and bad forecasts? What do research results show are young people’s conception of their career prospects in an AI-influenced environment? From the perspective of marketing and media professionals is AI a threat or an opportunity? What about AI specialists: what are their anticipations about the shift in employment and how do they see their role in driving the changes? Are they dedicating ethical issues enough attention?
In this presentation containing interactive content, we will be addressing these issues based on two research projects taking place at the university (Visions on Artificial Intelligence and Society OTKA research project and Sociology of AI expectations: visions about the roles of AI in society and in the labour market OTKA research project).

About the organizer:

Lilla Vicsek is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Corvinus University of Budapest. For over a decade, she has specialized in social aspects of technologies. In the realm of AI, her primary research interests include examining future expectations and their implications. She currently heads two OTKA research projects focused on these topics.

16:00 - 16:45

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